Demonstrable Errors in Modern Versions Part 4: Luke 4:44

Up to this point, we have examined some rather weighty errors in the modern versions. I refer particularly to the previous two posts examining John 7 and Matthew 1 in the modern versions, using the ESV as the main representative. Some may consider this next error of less significance. It is similar to the first error looked at in this series, where the critical text has Mark not knowing which prophet he is quoting from. Its significance, like that example, lies in the fact that if ones Bible cannot even get basic information correct, which should be rather easy to keep track of, then one must wonder how on earth they can be expected to listen to that same Bible to tell them about salvation and eternal life. With that being said, let’s just move on to the error in question. Matthew 4:23 in the King James Bible reads as follows:

Matthew 4:23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people.

The English Standard Version reads the same way at this verse:

Matthew 4:23 And he went throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every affliction among the people.

This text, along with its parallel in Mark 1:39, says that Jesus after his baptism went throughout all Galilee preaching the gospel of the kingdom. This is where his ministry began (cf. Acts 10:37). This is pretty straightforward. Now, Luke’s account in the KJB agrees with Matthew and Mark:

Luke 4:44 And he preached in the synagogues of Galilee.

The ESV, on the other hand, does not furnish us with the same result when consulting Luke’s gospel narrative, observe:

Luke 4:44 And he was preaching in the synagogues of Judea.

For those who are not quite aware of the significance of this difference, I refer you to the following map which sufficiently demonstrates the distance between Galilee and Judea:

Galilee and Judea are each on either side of Samaria. The ESV therefore contains a totally contradictory reading. Bruce Metzger, our favorite apostate bible critic, acknowledges in his Textual Commentary page 137 that this wrong reading is β€œobviously the more difficult”:

But of course, rather than siding with the veracity of God and integrity of His word, he simply concludes that Luke must have forgotten what he had stated in verse 14 and written this wrong information in verse 44, and later scribes therefore must have written β€œGalilee” in later copies in order to hide his mistake:

Not much need be said on this point. It is very simple and straightforward. If your bible can’t even tell you with certainty where Jesus was during the start of his ministry, you might question what β€œbigger” things it could be wrong about. Or you can simply stop listening to foolish unregenerate scholars and pick up a copy of the KJB.

Until next time, dear friends.

